Hi, Friend! Welcome to Mommy’s Front porch View!
Let me introduce myself, I am Nicole,
I have been married to my husband for 12 years now, after dating him for 5 years! Yes he took a long time to pop the question! I am glad I stayed patient (sort of ) and stuck it out, because he truly is the love of my life!
I am a God loving Christian, who believes in blessing people, not judging them.
I am a stay at home mommy of three little blessings,
Mr.McGee-age 8, Mr. Carty- age 6, and Miss. Bee-age 4. (These are not their real names, but for their privacy and safety they will be called these names for all future posts I may change this in time.. we will see how it goes
I am a bargain shopper, a *slight* germaphobe, a friend, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a sister.
I love….
to camp,
to hike,
to party plan,
to enjoy the few beautiful sunny days we get here in NY
I also Love….
Fall (and I love my children too.. can you tell?!)
I also happen to have a passion for writing, which is why you have found me here
I try to eat healthy, preferably from our own garden, although this year our garden kind of stunk… Oh well, always next year right?!
I am also an allergy mom,
Who turned in the title “infertility patient”, for the best title life offers: Mommy.
Welcome to my Blog!