Two years ago today I started this blog. I really didn’t have any expectations for it, but just wanted to have an outlet to talk about motherhood, marriage and just every day life. It started off with a few friends, my mom, my grandma and my sisters reading it, which I was so excited about, after all they were my biggest supporters! But slowly more and more people started to read it, and before I knew it, I actually had a pretty decent reader following. I am sure some days it’s still only my mom and grandma reading, but it honestly surprises me to this day when people come up to me and say they have read something I wrote, when I had no idea they even knew I had a blog. This was something I had wanted to do for a long time, and for some reason on January 17th, 2015 something just felt right, and the rest is history. I am beyond thankful for each and every one of you that take the time to read my posts and have encouraged me to continue even when there have been plenty of days I thought for sure I was writing my last post forever. So here I am, celebrating 2 years of writing and following a dream I never thought I would actually pursue.
On this is a “Blog Anniversary” I figured I would compile some of my favorites, some of the readers favorites and different places I have been published this year, other than on my site, as a little walk down memory lane 🙂
Favorite Posts:
Two of my favorite posts are:
Two of the readers favorites have been:
Featured On:Â
This year also brought exciting new adventures, like being published on national websites, like The Huffington Post and the The Today Show. On Huffington post I have been featured on HuffPost Weddings, HuffPost Parents and HuffPost Life Lessons.
A few of the articles that went viral were:
Taking a Sandy Hook Minute- Huffington Post Which was shared 2.3 thousand times all over the United States.
Because One Day It Will Be The Last- Huffpost Parents which was shares 1.5 thousand times nationally, and liked over 10,ooo times on Facebook.
and I Am Still Here- HuffPost Weddings shares almost 500 times and liked over 2, 000 times on Facebook.
The Today show Parents featured My article:Â Contract For The Best Summer Ever
What To Expect This Year For Mommy’s Front Porch View:
In 2017 my hope is to write more consistently. I know this past year I was pretty sporadic, but with three children and very busy schedules thats just how life pans out sometimes. I also hope to start posting videos on my Facebook page. This is a little nerve wracking for me, but I want you all to be able to get to know me a little better as a person, instead of someone just behind a computer. If you are interested in following me on Facebook or any other social media outlets, there are icon buttons above⇑, just click and follow. I also plan to step up my twitter game! So stay tuned!
Thank you again for all the amazing support and for continuing on my journey with me!

You are an inspiration and I am so proud of what you’ve accomplished. Keep speaking from your heart.
Love you XOXO