My husband ran to the grocery store a few nights ago to grab a few things that we had run out of. While he was there he face timed me to ask about a certain type of cereal (because clearly we take our cereal buying so seriously in this household that it requires a face to face phone call.) I had just got all three kids bathed and to bed and sat down on the couch for what felt like the first time all day when I saw his name pop up on my phone. I honestly didn’t feel like talking and almost ignored the call. I am pretty sure I even grumbled for a second out loud to myself before I reluctantly answered. I was tired and was almost feeling annoyed that I couldn’t just soak in a few minutes of silence, without having to talk to yet another person. Is that terrible? I feel like that probably sounds terrible… Do any of you ever have those moments where you need to “just be” for a few minutes without anyone needing or wanting something from you? Please tell me I am not alone in this…
Anyways, I answer his call and we talked about the cereal for about 15 seconds (I know, such eventful lives we live, right?) I was eager to hang up and turn on my show, check facebook and just veg out until he got home (don’t judge me, I am just keeping it real here.) But nope, he just kept gabbing away.. There was part of me that wanted to just interprupt him and say “Alright! Gotta go!! Bye!!” Like how so many of our other phone conversations have ended in the past. But as I looked at my husband on FaceTime, walking around the grocery store chatting away, I saw him through different eyes for a few seconds. It was almost as though I was seeing him through the eyes of the 17 year old me, who once laid eyes on him and knew I wanted to be with him forever. It immediately stopped those urgent feelings of needing to get off the phone.. And Instead I just sat back and took in the view. He was so handsome pushing around his little cart of groceries. Talking away about nonsense things.. He was even making an effort to make me laugh every few minutes, which I appreciated, we don’t tend to make that effort as much with each other anymore. He mainly was looking around the store, getting things off the shelves, while I just got to sit and stare at him without any other distractions. And in that moment I realized I hadn’t really just stared at his face in so long. Sure, I see him every day, kiss him multiple times throughout each day.. But it’s usually with one eye on a kid, or when rushing out the door. I haven’t really studied his face in such a long time. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed until this point how much he has changed in the recent years.. He had aged.. But in the handsome, pulling off the almost 40 years old in the best way possible, type of aging. As he kept talking and walking around the store I couldn’t help but to think about how much I missed him. I miss the connection we once had, I miss the times we would just go out to eat and talk for hours. I missed our coffee dates at the local funky coffee shop where we always ended up in a fit of laughter. But most off, I missed just staring at him and soaking in all his goodness.
After a few more minutes of chatting and him glancing down every 30 seconds or so, my husband stopped pushing his cart and looked into the phone and said..”this has been fun, it’s almost like we just had a mini date.. Even if it is at the grocery store. I am really glad you answered”. And all I could reply was “I am too babe… I am too” but what he didn’t know was right there, in the middle of the grocery stores paper products isle.. I had fallen in love with him all over again.

I didn’t know you were writing this and I’ve been thinking a lot about our shopping “date”. Reading this amazing post this morning, I have fallen in love all over again too!
Love this! Love you guys! Beautiful post.
I love your post, and want to say once in a while I have the same experience “looking” at my husband and we’re in our 28th year together. Gpd bless you both! And Happy Valentines!
Oh my gosh I am tearing up! I’m glad I randomly clicked on this – we don’t even have children yet, but we do a good job of soaking up those kinds of moments. The thought of those moments becoming less and less made me sad… yet, what a sweet way to fall in love all over. You’ve given me such a good reminder not to put him on the backburner. Even when life gets busy and I would rather veg out instead of talking (which, yes, I sometimes would rather do!) Beautifully written!
I love this!
This is just beautiful.
Love this story.
I love this story! I love finding moments like this in our lives- after everything has become routine there is that spark again. My husband ALWAYS has to call me when I send him to the grocery store- I will think twice next time.
That’s very sweet. Stories like this make me happy.
This is so sweet! Love it, and I absolutely love Mike’s comment to you!