I don’t know about all of you, but Frozen is still going strong in our house. My daughter just discovered it a few months ago (she’s two) and goes around talking about Elsa and Ana daily… But the true Frozen lover in our house is my 5 year old son…and to be even more specific he is particularly absolutely in love with Olaf. Like he might legit be Olaf’s biggest fan!! So of course, for his 5th birthday party all he wanted was an Olaf party!! And I have to admit, I actually had a lot of fun planning this one! I figured I would share a few of the ideas I did for the party, in hopes to help any other Mommas out there in need of some Olaf or Frozen themed birthday parties ideas!
Let me start off by saying that the location of this party was not ideal in any way. My son really really wanted to have a sledding Olaf party… And seeing how we live in NY, snow in January = A given. So back in July, I booked a lodge near some of the best sledding hills around. This meant not having the best lodge in the area, but this was something I was willing to accept due to the fact that sledding would make up for the not so awesome lodge… Well lets just say that backfired real quick.. because not only was there NO snow, the lodge was kind of a nightmare and we had to spend a lot of time in there. But we made the best of it, and my son ended up saying it was the best party ever!! To me, that’s all that matters.. even if there was no sink (yes I said no sink!!) and all brick walls which really limited my decorating (among many other things).
So my first tip: GO to the place you are renting out, before renting it. Do NOT rely on websites, or phone calls. I thought I was all set because I called the park manager and looked online at all the photos…but boy was I in for a rude awaking when I got there!! But thanks to some awesome family and friends, we did our best to make it look as good as possible and it actually turned out a lot better than I had anticipated. Can I get an Amen for great family and friends?! 🙂
Up next: The Food Menu: the party consisted of a few “Olaf themed” appetizers pictured below:
(we had some non-themed appetizers as well like cheese and crackers, chips and dip, rye bread bowl, taco dip):
For lunch we did a chili bar which consisted of both white and red chili, corn bread, “Kristoff Klassic” Sweedish meatballs, tossed salad and a fruit platter. Unfortunately with the craziness of the party I completely forgot to take pictures of this.. but I am sure you can use your imagination.. Just picture a whole lot of crock pots! 😉
Drink menu: Besides the usual (waters, soda, juice)
We did a hot chocolate and coffee bar
Decorations: (Again we were super limited when it came to decorating, I had a ton more to put up but it just was not possible here… but here’s a little tip Gorilla Tape works pretty darn good on brick!)
This sign actually had my sons name underneath as well, but it kept falling down, thanks to the lovely brick 😉
*The tables were all covered in blue table clothes and then I had large white paper spread down the middle of it with cups of crayons on each table so that the kids could draw while sitting at their table… Here is one of the beautiful art pieces I found 🙂 I also had multiple glittered snow flakes on each table, you can see one in the left side of this picture.
*We did an Olaf Pinata at the party, but we did it at the end, so until then it sat on one of the food tables and held Olaf birthday balloons! As I said before, we had to get creative with the decorating!
Dessert: For dessert we set up a ” Decorate your own cupcake station” as seen above.. but to put an “Olaf twist” on it we made a sign that said “Do you want to build a snowman?… Or a Cupcake?!”
On the table I put out a ton of unfrosted cupcakes, frosting in Wilton icing bags, multiple toppings including different kinds of sprinkles, snow caps, Olaf picks, blue “ice crystals”, and mini chocolate chips. I did have one cupcake stand full of already decorated cupcakes for the adults and really little ones that couldn’t decorate their own. Lets just say this cupcake station was a huge hit. The kids made some awesome cupcakes and they loved making their own!
At this table I also had cookies, and a tray for the kids to “build their own snowman” which a lot of the kids enjoyed doing this as well! I just made one for an example and the kids made their own with little to no help which was nice.
I hope these ideas help!! Happy party planning!

So cute! Even if you did have to just make it work. 🙂 Love the cupcake “building”.
I really love your party theme! You can never get enough Frozen. I also visited your Etsy shop. Lots of really cute digital items! Thanks for sharing.
So cute! I love the snowballs and noses 🙂
What a fun looking party! I love the make your own snowman station! We had a Frozen party for our daughter a few years ago and did something similar! The kids loved it! Thanks for sharing your ideas!