Wow, I can’t believe in just a few hours it will be 2016! I feel like this year has flown by! My family and I had a really good year in 2015, and on a personal level, this year was full of new beginnings and growth for me. I have been told by veteran bloggers that you MUST do a “Best of …” post each year for your blog so I put together some of the most popular posts that I wrote in 2015 on Mommy Talk or Mommy’s Front Porch View (those of you who are new here, that was a another huge change I made this year.. I changed my blog name, and redesigned my whole website! A huge undertaking, but all the hard work was worth it! More on that in the coming months!)
I decided to pick the top post(s) in each category:
Parenting/ Motherhood:
This is what I write most about so I selected a few posts for this category, the most popular posts were:
Because One Day It Will Be The Last
10 Things I wish I could Have Told Myself Before Becoming a Mommy
Toughen Up
The Little White Bowl
Humor/ Allergies:
This post went viral with almost 10,000 shares on Facebook alone! That was definitely one of the highlights of my blog this year! Unfortunately when I switched my blog name and site I lost all my share counts, but its still just as exciting knowing that at one point the share counter was just about to reach 10,000! Wahoo! Thanks to all that shared!
This one I actually just wrote a few weeks ago, but it really took off! I had thousands of people stop by my site just to read this one post! I honestly didn’t think this one would resonate with so many people, because it was so personal, but clearly I was wrong!
Loss: I often struggle with if I should write about loss or not, its not a very uplifting topic, yet it effects so many. So I made the decision very early on to just be honest about how loss feels, looks, and to also keep those whom we have lost remain alive in memory by writing and talking about them. These two posts were by far the two that reached the most people. I actually got many messages about these two, with people telling me about their loss and thanking me for opening up about such a sensitive topic.
Recipes: This new year I plan to add a lot more to this category.. I was kind of a slacker in this category in 2015 😉
These are just a few of the ones readers seemed to love most! Thank you to all my Mommy’s Front Porch View readers and for following along on this journey with me! You all helped make my 2015 wonderful!
Happy New Year!

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