I know this post is supposed to be filled with Yay!! It’s finally back to school time! I need to be back on a schedule! Or the kids need to be back at school! They are so bored!!But it’s not gonna be. Because for me, I don’t look forward to this day. In fact, I kind of dread it.
I love having my little people all at home with me, and I am sick of making excuses for feeling that way. I cant tell you how many parents look at me like I have three heads when I say I am not looking forward to my kids going back to school. I love being able to do what we want, go where we want, sleep in if we want.. I love not rushing in the mornings and eating breakfast slowly if we want to, while planning the day or sitting at the the table and listening to a conversation that has turned totally silly but has all three of the kids in full blown giggles. I love having time to just soak in my babes faces while playing with each other without having to stop because they need to get in the car to leave or go wait for a bus. I look forward to late night movies and pop corn, all snuggles on the couch together- just because. Or playing outside until we are all too tired to play anymore. The thought of handing my child over to someone else for the majority of the day doesn’t excite me. Yes it will probably mean less work for me, but for some reason that doesn’t tempt me. The minute they walk into that school or get on that bus, I miss them. Sure there are moments when I may take a deep breath of relief to know I get a small break, I am human. But after a bit, I am ready for them to come back without the stresses of the day written all over their faces.
This summer gave me my light hearted kids back. Both my boys laughed, a ton. They ran around and found true friendship in each other. They have played for years together, but this summer they actually became friends, not just brothers. They also became body guards of their baby sister. They both protect and love on her in different ways, all of which I adore. And my sweet little girl learned so much from having her big brothers around all summer. She learned to swim (with floaties)and found a love for water, she also discovered how to play outside for hours without ever getting bored, mainly due to her big brothers always willing to lead her on their next big adventure. Are my kids perfect? Not at all. Do they fight and pick on each other? Yes, they actually fight quite a bit. But they also forgive easily and move on quickly. Something I learned about them only this summer. So as tomorrow approaches, and one is off to first grade and the other will be off to preschool the week after.. My heart is sad. I may even be eating straight out of the ice cream container as I type this out of pure disappointment the summer is officially over. I know the school year will bring new adventures and they will grow and enjoy their time there too, and their teachers seem to be pretty awesome.. But this Mama, is left wishing for just a few more days of summer, but oh so thankful for the amazing summer we had…
XO Nicole

Awww you’re such a sweet mom!