Sometimes I wish I was a man.. and no I don’t mean in the Caitlyn Jenner kind of way.. I mean that every day I encounter a moment where I think.. geez I wish I could just be the dad or husband of the relationship! How much easier life would be! I spent 9 long months growing these sweet little babies in my belly, and I spend every single day (All day) with them (my choice, but still), and yet I can’t tell you how many times I hear “Yay!!!! Its DADDY!!!!!” when he walks through the door after work. You would think the kids haven’t seen him in a year.. They squeal, jump up and down and cling to his legs with excitement. I can’t remember the last time I received a greeting like that. In fact? I am not sure I have ever got such a greeting!
I packed about 175 lunches (who’s counting anyways?) this past school year for my son and my husband makes one lunch and wins him over with a 6 month old candy bar left over from the Halloween stash. Never mind the yummy, healthy, home-made, holiday themed lunches I made all year…I even sent notes!! But all bets were off the minute that Reese Peanut butter cup appeared in the lunch box.
Speaking of lunches… My husband went in to eat lunch at school with my son one day, which was a big deal because its hard for him to get out of work to do so… But is it really more special than the times I went in to eat lunch with my son? Or how about all those times I worked in the classroom, or the field trips?! I mean come one the field trips have to count for something right?! Nope… Daddy comes into lunch and my son writes a whole journal entry about it and then the teachers think its so cute they actually made a copy of it to send home that day for daddy to read right away (sweet really..) but come on, wheres my journal entry (I’m kidding…I’m kidding.. kinda)?
Or how about when you take a trip..My husband and I went on a family camping trip a few weeks ago and as I ran around like a crazy person making sure we were completely ready to go, I decided this is the difference between husband and wives when preparing for a trip (at least in my household):
-Makes a list
-Does the laundry to make sure all options are clean
-Packs her clothes
-Packs all the kids clothes
-Packs all bathroom supplies
-Packs all medications
-Packs the toys
-Packs the diaper bag
-Plans meals (we are camping)
-Does all the grocery shopping for said meals
-Packs all the kids “lovies”, blankets and anything else required for sleep.
-Cleans house before leaving
-Makes sure all the doors are locked (multiple times)
-Packs car
-Checks list 5xs to make sure she has everything
-Packs his own clothes 23 minutes before walking out the door
-Helps pack the car when done packing his clothes
-Packs the beer.
And don’t even get me started on our children’s education. I have taught my kids their letters, numbers, colors, shapes, but in their minds.. Daddy’s the true hero in this household because he taught them how to build that Lego spaceship.
In my kids eyes, my husband will always be exciting and adventurous. He is always up for trying new things and very rarely says no to that third s’more while sitting around a campfire. He doesn’t try to be the “cool guy” and he certainly doesn’t try to step on my toes (well most of the time), it just kind of seems to play out that way…and he is a great dad that loves his children. My kids adore him for being fun, strong, and more care free than I am. I guess I wish I was more like that, but for me, being nurturing and structured has taken the place of my adventurous spirit for now (but I still can throw a dance party like nobody’s business)!
So at the end of the day when my kids are rubbing their eyes out of exhaustion and they need some snuggles, or if their belly’s hurt and they need a back rub.. or one of them falls and gets a boo-boo and they need that magical kiss to make it all better, and “Mommy!” is the first word out of their mouths, I know I was meant to be their Mama for a reason. And that my friends, that makes being the Mommy oh so worth it.
XO Nicole
(This post is meant to be tongue and cheek… Thank you men for having a good sense of humor and not taking this too seriously.. I realize this is not the case in all households and I am sure each of you could make your own lists of things you do that we don’t… but just remember our list will probably be longer..or at least we will think it is! 😉

Too funny! As we are packing to travel to Vermont, I was just laughing about the same thing.