With Father’s Day right around the corner I wanted to take the time to write about the man who first stole my heart.
I am not sure what the very first moment was that I fell in love with this man, maybe because I was too young to even know at the time.
When many people see this man, they see a guy in a T-shirt, jeans, and more than likely motorcycle boots. They see a man who they assume works outside due to his sun burned cheeks and his tan line around his neck. They may notice his hands, calloused and cracked from hours of hard work. And they will most likely see his handsome blue eyes and his maintained build. But what I see when I look at him…
I see my hero.
I see my dad.
I see one of the only men in my life who has never lied to me, and who faithfully shows me he loves me. I see a man who taught me how to pray, watching him bow down to his knees to pray more times than I can count, never once becoming too big or too prideful to drop to his knees and ask the Lord for help. I see a man who built his business from the bottom up, with integrity, honesty and his own blood, sweat and tears and turned into into a successful lively-hood for not only himself, but a whole crew of guys. Yet you would never know it because he is too humble to speak of his accomplishments.
For as far back as I can remember, I have been a daddy’s girl. My dad, in my eyes, is the best dad a girl could ask for. When some people think of a daddy’s girl they think about a daughter and father dancing in the living room or dressing up having tea parties… Which I am sure he probably did… But that’s not what I remember.
I remember my dad coming home from working long hard hours and before he even got showered or had a chance to sit down to catch his breath, he would meet us kids in the yard and kick the soccer ball around, teaching us a sport he wasn’t all that thrilled with, but that did it anyways, because we loved it. He even coached my team for a few summers, studying the game and coming up with new exciting drills, because he knew it was important to me.
I remember him always making up nick names for each of us kids, which always made us feel special, and most of which still remain now even as adults.
I remember as I got older going on ice cream dates, but we didn’t take his truck, we rode his motorcycle, and it was the most exciting day of the summer. And even though these are not the traditional “daddy-daughter” moments… they were our moments. They weren’t moments filled with keeping up with the Jones’, or trying to be someone he wasn’t, they were memories that I could only make with my dad. Real memories that made me love him even more.
Now that I have become a mom, I have found that my favorite part about my dad is seeing him with my kids. He is patient and kind, and never pushy. My kids know they can trust him and go to him, and he will be there without failure of a doubt. I see the way my kids look at him, and I am confident they see what I saw all of these years. A man who will always protect them, will always be truthful, and who will never judge them. To me, there is no better gift, and I am forever grateful I get to call him my dad.
Happy Fathers Day Dad, I love you beyond words.
Love, Your Hickadamic ♥

I wish I had a relationship with my dad like this. This is beautiful.
Aww I wish you did too, I am so sorry you dont. I dont know the circumstances but just always remember you have a heavenly father that has always and will always love you!! I hope you have a blessed day!! xoxo
Beautiful!!! Hope you guys have a happy father’s day!
Thank you Joy!! We did!!! 🙂