We have had a long week, a lot going on in our family that has been weighing us all down, physically, mentally and emotionally. My eldest son ended up getting pink eye and after a trip to urgent care, he was told he had to stay home from school the next day and honestly it was the biggest blessing in disguise. We woke up to a beautiful day weather wise, and we all headed outside together to enjoy some fresh air. Immediately the boys started heading towards the big muddy spot in our yard and my first instinct was to tell them to avoid it… But as those words came out of my mouth I couldn’t help but to think…”Ughhh, I just sounded like my mother”… how did I get to be the age where I sound like my mom?!
I stood there watching them pick the safe option and walk towards the swings, heads down in disappointment. “Man, I really need to loosen up!!” went running through my head. My kids would have loved the 1999 version of myself… The carefree, fun 17 year old who found adventure in everything she did..Heck, I would love if that girl showed up more often, I miss that girl! I decided right in that moment, that my kids would get the 1999 version of myself for the day. They needed me to just relax, and to stop being their mom for that moment. They needed me to just be me, Nicole, without all the weight and responsibility of being their mom, a homemaker, a school advocate, and someones wife. And you know what? I needed it to.
I took off my mom cap, and put on my fabulous 1999 Uconn baseball cap. I turned on the radio, much louder than I normally would have and we rocked out right there in our front yard. The breeze was blowing, we had our sunglasses on and we danced, and sang out of tune and most importantly.. we laughed, deep belly laughs. The boys ran and jumped right into the mud pit and splattered it all over and had so much fun together while doing it…Two brothers enjoying each others company in the midst of a slimy dirt patch, just like it should be. My daughter even joined in at one point.. all three looking at each other getting covered in mud and thinking it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. We played soccer, and kept score. My youngest son opened up two packages of brand new sidewalk chalk, even though we only needed one.. and I let him. My daughter spilled her whole bowl of cookies all over the drive way… and I let her pick them up and eat each one of them. We ate more snacks than we did meals, and we went for seconds on dessert. We ran around the house without a care in the world. The pile of laundry and toys scattered all over did not even taunt me that day. In fact I stuck my tongue out at it and maybe even spit a little while making raspberry noises at it.. and my kids copied me… and we laughed… oh how we laughed. When the kids started to get tired and all needed to rest, I didnt take that time to make phone calls, pay bills or even write a blog.. Nope I laid on the couch with my pink eyed boy and we watched episode after episode of teenage mutant ninja turtles, and I liked it and so did he.
I felt free, they felt free. For that day I got to set aside all of the cares and responsibilities of our lives, and just survive in the moment. Sure the 2015 version of myself had a lot more stuff to catch up on the next day, but the kids, they had a blast with the 1999 version of mommy and fell in love with what made me, me all those years ago. Deep down in all of us that 17 year old version of ourselves still lingers…Some of it can stay back in 1999 where it belongs, but pieces of it.. well it was great to see again. I think I’ll keep those pieces around a little longer. And although I wouldn’t trade where I am today for anything in the world, it was nice to show my kids the version of me that their daddy fell in love with almost 16 years ago….
X♥O Nicole

[…] s); })(); Nicole O’Dell Mommytalk73.com https://twitter.com/mommytalk73 Originally posted: http://mommytalk73.com/2015/04/19/the-day-i-gave-my-kids-the-1999-version-of-myself/ We have had a long week, a lot going on in our family that has been weighing us all down, […]
This is an excellent reminder for all parents!
Thank you Lori!
Thank you Char!
This is so cool. Yes, parents are responsible for their children’s safety and education and health and all sorts of serious stuff–but there’s something very awesome in letting your kids see your real personality, not just the ‘you’ that you are due to real life responsibilities. It’s possible to have a little of both.
Exactly Rachel! Its just a matter of remembering that from time to time… Its so easy to get caught up in life some times!
It’s indescribable the amount of joy I felt reading this! Although I’m not a parent yet, I fully believe in taking the occasional time out, to enjoy this wonderful thing called life. Awesome post!
wow, I am so glad it gave you such joy! That day filled me with such joy too!! Thank you for stopping by to read it!! 🙂
This was such a fun post to read. I could tell you had a blast with your kids and letting loose a little bit!
Thank you Sky! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by Mommy Talk!
Sometimes we all need to let loose, ignore the responsibilities and just have fun. I have had days like this and they are wonderful!
They are the best days for sure Erin!
This post is absolutely perfect in every way! It sounds so fun & I’m glad you were able to connect with your kids in that sense. This is such a great reminder for all parents!
Thank you Isabella!! I really appreciate that! Thanks for stopping by Mommy Talk!
haha, what a fun post! 🙂
Thank you Erin!
I love love love this! I need to bust out the 1999 version of myself more often too! Let them be little, jump in puddles, get muddy, let an ice cream melt all over them, etc. Great reminder! Thank you for sharing.
Aww thank you Crystal!! I am so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by Mommy Talk!!
So good to let loose and have fun with your kids!
Exactly!! Thanks for stopping by Mommy Talk!
Good for you! I often have the same thoughts and for some of those fleeting moments when I do loosen up and act crazy, the look of carefree joy and excitement on my kids’ faces basically makes up for the messy aftermath. 😉
I couldnt have said it better myself… The kids faces definitely made up for the aftermath! 🙂
It sounds like you and the kids at the best day ever! I really need to take a note from you and take off my mom cap every once in a while. Thank you for reminding me that it’s ok to jump in mud puddles! 🙂
Absolutely Lisa! Not just for the kids either, for you too!! We all need a day to just have fun!!
i love this!!! I will have to try this for the day!!
This is beautiful and I really need to do this with my kids.
I love this! I really think this can work if you plan to do this every once in a while! I read somewhere recently that a mum let her kids decide what to do one day at the start of the summer holidays and she said is was the best day and helped her bond with her children on a different level. You’ll cherish these memories. Thank you for sharing! <3
Aw what a lovely post. I’m constantly telling myself to “lighten up” and stop being mom all the time. I think we all need to take our mom caps off from time to time!
there’s nothing better than a good belly laugh with your kids!! I always feel like a superhero afterwards 🙂
I love the idea of that fun, carefree side being our 1999 selves, or thereabouts! Our kids sure love these moments with us! Good for you. And them.
I have to remind myself to let loose and be that carefree (but way too responsible) young girl I once was. I loved to babysit, and sometimes have to step out of mommy mode and into the fun babysitting mode where I truly just enjoyed the moments with the kids. Great reminder! It’s okay to do that now and then.
It’s good to take time to enjoy our kids, isn’t it? And when they’re still young, they’ll think the 90’s version of Mommy is pretty cool. In a few years, they’ll roll their eyes and ask that I don’t act like that in front of their friends. 🙂
Oh my goodness I LOVED this!! What a great Mom you are! 🙂 I need to do this!