Easter is only a few weeks away!! Shocking really, since I am currently still looking at about 4 feet of snow in my yard. But its on its way!! Hopefully Spring will come with it!! I got out the Easter Eggs for the kids to play with, and came up with some great educational things to do with them for all different ages! Here is what I did:
Easter Egg Addition and Subtraction:
For my oldest son, who will be 6 this week… AHH! How in the world did that happen?! But anyways, he is currently learning addition and subtraction in school. So for him I put a number on the top portion of the egg, a number on the bottom portion of the egg. Like this:
I filled each egg with mini chocolate chips with the total amount of those two numbers added together. So for instance in this equation: 9+2=11
(Yes I realize there is only 10 chocolate chips in this egg, this is the only picture I took of the chocolate chips in the egg when doing this with the boys, but I wanted you to get an idea of what I was talking about)
Once your eggs are filled you can begin! My younger son ended up joining us once he saw mini chocolate chips come out 🙂 What they had to do was add the two numbers together on the eggs in their heads. Once they thought they had the answer they could open up the egg and count the chocolate chips to confirm they were right. I then practiced subtraction with them by using the chocolate chips. I asked them “now if you take 3 chocolate chips away how many would you have?”
Once they gave me the correct answer they were free to eat the chocolate chips, which of course had no problem with 🙂
Easter Egg Letter Matching:
The next thing we did with the eggs (This one is perfect for preschoolers) is matching Lower case and Uppercase letters together like this:
Easter Egg Words:
Another way of we used the Letter Eggs was by taking the letters and making words with two letters, like for example:
Easter Egg Color Match:
Have kids that are not ready for letters? Give them a bunch of different colored eggs that are not put together and tell them to match all the colors.. Like a blue top with a blue bottom:
Too young for colors? Just give them the egg in two pieces and let them put the top and bottom together, its great for hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills!!!
Who knew these could do so much more than just hold candy?! Well know you do!
Enjoy! 🙂
XO Nicole♥

[…] for an innovative and festive way to keep math fun? Nicole at mommytalk73 has an egg-cellent Easter Egg Education […]
Super Cute!
Thanks! I bet your boys would love this Kate! 🙂
I like the idea of making fun activities at home for continued education. I’m not sure if our kindergartner is really doing math yet (she’s been completely focused on writing and spelling so far!) but if she’s not now, she will be soon so I will keep this activity in mind!
Great!! My boys actually asked to keep “playing eggs” they had so much fun they barely knew they were learning!
Great idea! Pinning it! 🙂
What a great idea! Love this!!! Visiting from the Monday Musings Blog Hop, Congratulations!!!! Blessings,
Tayrina from TGAWrites
These are great ways to teach! Thanks for sharing your post at #ChainLinkyCLIMB 🙂 I’m glad to be a new follower, too!