My son loves all things winter. He is a true northerner, he loves snow, sledding, Christmas, warm comfy clothes, hot chocolate, sitting by the fire-place… And of course snowmen. Now I have to point out that his love of snowmen started years before Frozen ever hit theaters, but you can only imagine how his obsession increased after seeing Olaf for the first time. It’s safe to say Olaf is his best friend. And in true Frozen fashion he has asked to build a snowman at least a thousand times this winter. Some in song, some in laughter, but this time it was in the tiniest little voice.. A voice that thought no one was listening.
We were sitting eating pancakes yesterday morning and as he ate his snowman shaped pancakes I see him look up at me and whisper “do you want to build a snowman?” All the times he has asked before this winter it never happened. Now don’t get me wrong, we’ve tried! But the snow was either not pack-able, or it was way too cold to even go out, or someone was too sick to play, which meant mommy had to stay in with them. Here we are 11 days til spring, and still no snowman. And quite honestly, I am so sick of snow and winter and am beginning to feel like this:
But when he asked this time, I could see he thought no one was listening, and that no one saw how sad he was that we still had not built a snowman. But I did. So I wanted to take the time to write this to him today:
Dear my sweet Carty boy,
I see you my middle child. I see you demanding the least amount of attention out of all my children. I see the time you take with your baby sister, playing tea party with her just to make her smile, always making sure she is happy and safe. I see you follow around your older brother, trying to do all the things he does, because to you, he is a super hero. I see you help me get things cleaned up before dinner time, always right there by my side picking up the toys, and sorting through the books. I see you helping daddy find that lost glove, that no one else can find. You my love, are an incredible finder… You find everything!! I see you opening the door for everyone with full hands, never complaining about being the last one out. I see your sweet reflection smiling back at me through my rear view mirror on all those drives to and from preschool. I see you tucked in tight at night, with Olaf tucked in just as tight right next to you. I see you occasionally fall on purpose just to get an extra kiss. But guess what, you don’t need to fall, I’ll gladly kiss you anyways. I see you writing words and doing math much beyond your age level, and you having no clue how amazingly smart you are. I see you, my budding artist, drawing for hours and then putting each paper and crayon back in its proper place. I see how excited you get when I hang those masterpieces up. I see you quietly singing Christmas carols to yourself, all year round, as you build your LEGO’s and blocks. I see how important it is to you, for me to wait for you before I go down the stairs each morning. And I even see you whisper “do you want to build a snowman?” And yes, yes I do. In fact, let’s build two.
I love you with all my heart my sweet boy. Please never forget your Mama sees you.
Love always and forever,
Your Mommy

I think this is great that you took the time to write this to your son! He sounds like a awesome kid.
Thank you so much Robin!! He is definitively a keep that’s for sure 😉
I think this is great that you took the time to write this to your son! He sounds like a awesome kid.
Thank you so much Robin!! He is definitively a keep that’s for sure 😉
This was just precious to read, and he sounds equally as precious! Thanks for sharing about your sweet boy, it sounds like he is going to be a fine man one day, and all because he had a wonderful momma to raise him up right! 🙂
Aww thank you so much!! He is definitely a keeper. He’s my little snuggle bug!! Love him so much <3
This was just precious to read, and he sounds equally as precious! Thanks for sharing about your sweet boy, it sounds like he is going to be a fine man one day, and all because he had a wonderful momma to raise him up right! 🙂
Aww thank you so much!! He is definitely a keeper. He’s my little snuggle bug!! Love him so much <3
This was so sweet, especially the letter! I’m so glad you guys were able to build two snowmen! He is so cute.
Thank you Joy!! I am too.. It was the best feeling seeing him so happy putting that little carrot nose in 🙂 Of Course he named him Olaf 🙂
This was so sweet, especially the letter! I’m so glad you guys were able to build two snowmen! He is so cute.
Thank you Joy!! I am too.. It was the best feeling seeing him so happy putting that little carrot nose in 🙂 Of Course he named him Olaf 🙂