LEGO’s are one of the things my boys love to play with most. I on the other hand have a love/hate relationship with LEGO’s. I love that they make my boys use their brains and imaginations. I also love how they teach them to follow written instructions, in order to put certain kits together. But I HATE picking them up, they seems to be every where, and I hate stepping on them!! The pain of LEGO’s in the bottom of your foot is like no other! So I have been looking for a solution for LEGO storage. My boys have a huge tote of random LEGO’s to build freely whatever they want, but they also have a ton of kits which they like to keep separate from the other LEGO’s so that they can build those particular things over and over again. So I wanted something that would make pick up easy, and also keep certain LEGO kits together along with the instructions for the kits. I originally tried keeping the boxes for each kit but they were a pain because they would rip, and the boys couldn’t see through the boxes, which resulted in them dumping the whole box all over the floor to find that “certain” piece. So I tried zip-lock bags, but again, they would rip, and it wasn’t easy to search for pieces. I was about to buy small bins for each kit but really didn’t want to spend the money on them, considering I would need a bunch of them.
I was about to throw this in our recycling bin today:
and then I remembered a fellow blogger and friends post about re-using strawberry containers for crayons (see the idea here: It got me thinking, I should re-use this salad container for the LEGO’s!
So here’s what I did, and its working out great! It’s clear so the kids can dig through without dumping them all over, and its big enough to hold each construction manual for each kit:
And the best part is we go through one of these containers about once a week anyways, so why not re-use it? Ill have enough for each LEGO kit in not time!!
What can you use the containers you have around your house for?!
Feel free to leave a comment or link with your ideas!
XO Nicole

Great idea
Thank you Natalie!
Natalie, I just saw you are a big Disney person!! I am so excited about that! We plan to bring our family there soon so it will be nice to read all of your tips! I just followed you! I cant seem to comment on your page tho?
I just fixed it! Thanks for telling me!:)
Great solution! We also have a big collection of lego and to have a storage specially for it is a lovely idea! Thanks for sharing! I am planning to make something similar for my little boys! Greets, Storage Goodmayes Ltd.
“The pain of LEGO’s in the bottom of your foot is like no other!” you got me with this one! I think I’m the only one. Your solutions are great for Lego storage. Thanks for sharing, Storage Elmers End Ltd.