I came down yesterday morning and found my daughter like this:
My husband was in charge of giving her and her brothers breakfast while I got ready for church and this is how I find her, oatmeal ALL over, and I when I say all over.. it was ALL over.. in places oatmeal should never be. When I asked him why he didn’t just feed it to her like I would have and he said:
“Because I am daddy, not mommy”… and he’s right! If I have learned one thing in this crazy thing called parenting it is that- Daddy’s just do things differently!
Mommy’s version of hair done:
←Did it three times to make sure the “pig tails” are even
Daddy’s version of hair done:
←Shrugs and thinks to himself “Nailed it”
Mommy’ idea of quiet time before bed:
←Story time
Daddy’s idea of quiet time before bed
: ←Lego time
Mommy does outdoor play like this:
←At the park
Daddy does it like this:
←Climbing trees
I say lets bring the kids to the water and I mean this:
←Relaxing on the beach
But in his mind he is thinking this:
←Hiking water falls
Mommy’s version of “Lets see the animals”-
←Animals are contained, safe at the zoo
Daddy’s version of “Lets see the animals”:
←Caught wild rabbit?!
Mommy plays like this:
←Imaginative play time!
Daddy plays like this:
←I am lucky her legs couldn’t reach the pedals yet
Mommy’s version of a teddy bear:
←Cute cuddly bear
Daddy’s Version of a teddy bear:
←No caption needed.
Mommy teaching an extracurricular activity :
←Soccer practice
Daddy teaching an extracurricular activity:
←Engine work
Mommy gets them dressed:
←Ironed button down
Daddy gets them dressed:
:←A shirt that hasn’t fit in two years..
Mommy’s version of swimming lessons:
← at professional lessons
Daddy’s version of swimming lessons:
←At random pool, tossing baby in air
Mommy multi-tasking:
Daddy Multi-tasking:
←Fantasy football with baby
All kidding aside, I have to remind myself, that just because he isn’t doing things the way I would, it doesn’t make them wrong. In fact I am pretty confident that my kids are benefiting more by having a mommy and daddy who do things so differently, because it introduces them to so many different types of play, adventures, choices, and gives them so many more options in life. And as long as we come together for the important things, like having the same rules, morals, discipline, values and faith, then I am good with daddy doing things differently.
After all,at the end of the day, I know mommy and daddy’s version of life, is this:
←Our World
XO, Nicole

The shirt that hadn’t fit in 2 years made me literally laugh out loud. But I agree with you, kids definitely benefit from having the best of both worlds. You’re both creating memories they’ll reflect back on fondly one day. My husband and I are very much the same way, we share the same viewpoint as far as the rules, morals, discipline, values and faith and at the end of the day those are the things that need to be the most consistent! Your family is adorable!
Aww thank you!! I am so glad you can relate! And you’re right it is definitely best of both worlds! 🙂
Thanks Kate!!
So true! Such a hard lesson!
Cute pictures. Kids need both styles of parenting, mommy needs a break from doing everything, and daddy needs to know that mommy trusts him with his own kids. Lots of mothers I know are control freaks about things like this. Looks like you are on the right track!
Thanks Leslie! It isnt always easy, but I have found the more confidence I have in my husband the more confidence he has as a dad, and that is so important to me for my kids.
So true!! It was a hard lesson for me to accept 🙂
Its a lesson I think is hard for MOST to accept. Its only natural to feel “your way is the right way” but when you have kids there comes a moment when you realize you might just not know everything… 😉
Hilarious! I loved the hair (nailed it) and the too short shirt. My husband has soooo done the same thing. I’m still working on being mature and accepting his way of doing things. For right now I just re-do whatever he does and give him lists that he completely ignores.
Hahaha too funny… I give lists too, and they go ignored as well. Wishful thinking I guess 🙂
When my husband gets a chance to be full-time dad, I love to see how he does things. He’s pretty hands-on, but I’m the primary parent at home. Sometimes, he gives me good ideas! And the kids never look unhappy or out of sorts when I return — they like the change of pace.
Exactly! I feel like I am able to teach a do a lot with them, but when I see him take initiative it to do different things with them it makes me happy, even if my initial reaction is.. “Are you sure….?” I married my husband for a reason, and want my kids to be a good reflection of him too!
Hilarious! Loved the hair (nailed it) and the too tight shirt. Both of which my hubby has done. i hope to mature to the point where I can accept his way of doing things. Until then, I re-do everything he does and make lists that he ignores. I will say daddy time is pretty special around here. Regardless of how messy, noisy, and chaotic it is for me
Yes so true! My daughter always ends up in the shirt that is too small with daddy he has a way of finding the one shirt that doesn’t fit haha. Having parents that do things different ways makes for a well rounded child :).
What I would like to know is how do they even find that ONE shirt… I am very good at making sure there are only the right size clothes in their closets yet he always seems to manage to pick the one I missed! haha but well rounded indeed 🙂
so cute and adorable! Mommy and Daddy together are important for all our kids and make them feel secure. 🙂
Definitely, our kids are very blessed to have both mommy and daddy 🙂
This is so cute and definitely true! I love the way you articulated this with pictures. I couldn’t agree more with your conclusion that different doesn’t mean wrong.
Aww thank you!! <3
I wish I thought of taking comparison pictures like this when my girls were younger. This is SO true, even now that they’re a bit older! The hair part made burst out laughing since I’ve had the same visual over here!
haha hey well its never too late! I am sure there are still things he does differently even now that your girls are older! 🙂
I love this! I so appreciate all my husbands help and I really have to try and hold back my comments sometimes when I think “why didn’t you just do it my way… its easier (and better)” lol! But they have their own way and it’s not bad. Thanks for this, it made me smile!
You are very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Oh My Gosh! That was too funny. I felt like I was reading my life story. I may just have to do a segment on “Daddy’s Way” on my blog. I will definitely give you credit for the idea :-). Love it!
This is so true! My husband and I parent quite differently as well. He is also much more relaxed with them, while I always seem to be on a mission to get stuff done…errands, extra curricular activities, school work, etc. Because of this, it’s not hard to see why they think he’s the more fun parent. 😉
Nicole whenever I stop by I seem to leave feeling warm and fuzzy. And I agree completely that the children are better off at having two parents that diverge in style but converge in the important issues. Thank you for a lovely post!
Aww I love hearing that!! You have the same affect on people sweet Letetia!!! <3
This was such a cute post! So true and yet so blessed that your children have both parents that love them, even if it’s in different ways 🙂
Definitely! So glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Oh my goodness Nicole, that was the cutest post ever!!! I literally laughed out loud from it hitting home so hard, it’s like a glimpse into my life, lol.. I love it, it’s so true. Great job!!
So glad you liked it 🙂 Funny how all of our lives are more similar than we realize!
This is so great. I’m the product of a single dad (and some grandma influence), so I got a lot of the ‘how dad does it’. The dad way is definitely not wrong, just different.
Thank God for all those awesome dads out there! Especially the ones who do it all on their own! I would have been lost without my dad as well Ashley <3
Love it! Love it! Love it! The teddy bear scene is exactly what happens here.
haha… I am always like, what were you thinking?!! lol
You know the response I hear? “I showed it to her and she wouldn’t let it go! I had to buy it for her.” It doesn’t matter that she’ll end up ditching it for a water bottle or a plastic cup in about 5 minutes.
OMG!!! I love your post it’s so cute. I love how you show pictures of the things you and your husband do differently with the kids. My husband never brushes my son’s hair and, instead of book time at night he puts on the stero..what?!! Great post!
That was my old blog! Now, its This Ole Mom.