I just wanted to thank all the guys out there plowing a ton these last few weeks. Every time I hear the plow trucks go by during the wee hours of the morning, while I am still warm and snug in bed, I feel so thankful for you being out there clearing all the snow off our roads and driveways. I am so appreciative that you make our lives so much easier throughout the winter, helping us get to all the places we need to go. I want you to know your long hours and sleepless nights do not go unnoticed.
My dad used to plow as well, and I remember hearing him leave in the middle of night to go out and start his route. I remember worrying about him driving around in the horrible conditions so sleep deprived. I remember how tired he would look in the morning only to go and head out to his day job after plowing all night. And I know many of you face the same challenges. You go from one job to the next and you often miss out on the special things because that winter storm decided to come through at the same exact time as that special event. I know your wife often sacrifices her birthday because she happens to be a winter baby whose birthday always ends in you having to leave and go plow. I know your kids often miss you terribly because there are weeks that go by that you work all day and night and the little time you have left at home usually goes to sleeping. I know you get yelled at by customers because you haven’t gotten there soon enough or quick enough, because they often forget you have been plowing 50 other driveways before getting to them. So thank you. Thank you for doing a thankless job.
A special thank you goes out to those of you who plow driveways that you’re not even being paid for. I will never forget when Mike and I first got married, we were fresh out of college just starting jobs and didn’t have a whole lot of money, and a friend of ours would come plow our driveway after a big snow fall free of charge. In fact, most mornings he came so early we didn’t even know who was plowing us for the longest time.. It was like a secret little prize we would wake up to. That always meant the world to us. It’s the little things that make the biggest impressions on our hearts. So again, thank you.
Xo Nicole
*This is dedicated to Mike M. One of my very best friends dad, who one year ago today went out to plow his route, and never came home. You are forever missed. Thank you for being a blessing to so many people around you. We love you. RIP.

What a sweet post. Very thoughtful and a beautiful tribute. I remember going with dad to plow the school parking lot as a little second grader! It was so fun to watch! Hehe. Things that kids remember…
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post. Love you so much! Xoxo